Giving voice, and building power, for the silent majority of West Virginia women.
The West Virginia Women’s Alliance (WVWA) is a cross-partisan organization working to remove barriers to prosperity, encourage balanced, moderate, and accountable leadership, and empower West Virginia women and families to effectively participate in shaping their own futures.
We seek to advance these goals using the following methods:
The WVWA identifies pragmatic, evidence-based policies that help women and families thrive and are supported by a majority of WV women.
The WVWA shares information and analysis with the public in order to raise awareness of how WV policymakers are impacting the lives of WV women and families.
The WVWA advocates for the fundamental right of women and families to access healthcare, education, and economic opportunities; along with our right to make decisions regarding matters that intimately impact our lives.
The WVWA helps women impact elections in WV, both on a non-partisan basis (e.g., voter registration, no-partisan voter scorecards) and on behalf of candidates who support policies impacting women and families that are supported by a majority of WV women.
The Wait is Over: Let’s Party with the 2025 Men of the WVWA Calendar!
It’s finally here, and we can’t wait to celebrate with YOU! Join us for the official launch of the 2025 Men of the WVWA Calendar—the calendar that honors the amazing men who uplift women and children across West Virginia.
The WVWA aims to:
Ensure that women are not discriminated against due to arbitrary classifications such as race, sexual orientation, or gender.
Expand economic and educational opportunities for women.
Find solutions to improve infant and maternal mortality rates.
Advocate for quality and affordable childcare and paid leave so that women can enter the workforce.
Lower entry rates and negative outcomes for children in our state’s challenged foster care system.
Keep women and children safe in their communities, workplaces, and homes.
Access to healthcare and the right to make private decisions concerning their own bodies.
Educate our elected representatives on both sides of the aisle so that our government has the ability to represent women’s interests and rights fairly and equally.
Work collaboratively with our communities to find common sense solutions to address other issues women, children, and families may identify as barriers to their success.