Sarah DaVee: Problems and pain post Dobbs (Opinion)

Charleston Gazette-Mail

As a new mother and registered Republican, I read Kayla Kessinger’s recent opinion piece published in the Gazette-Mail, “Pregnancy isn’t problem, abortion isn’t answer,” with great interest as many of us are struggling to navigate the bleak post-Dobbs landscape which overturned a woman’s ability to choose last year.

First of all, I respect Kessinger’s right to her beliefs and understand that “reasonable people could endlessly disagree” on this difficult topic. But as a supporter of the party that believes in small government and the protection of fundamental freedoms, I am disheartened that those same maxims are no longer equally extended to women regarding their power to make important decisions pertaining to their own health and bodily autonomy in West Virginia.

Further, the insinuation that few problems have arisen as a direct result of this type of dangerous policy is patently false. It is vital that others understand the unnecessary pain and suffering that families have experienced since these restrictive bans were enacted, as well as how they can negatively impact the state’s direction as a whole.


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